© International Center for the Prevention of Human Trafficking 2013
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Human Trafficking reports in Chile and Peru

From Mexico

Conditions of abuse of migrants crossing the south border from Guatemala into Mexico  

New Regulations at the border?

The Obama administration, after initially resisting the idea, is weighing whether to deploy National Guard troops to the southern border to help address a surge of migrant youth from Central America, many of them unaccompanied, a White House official told CNN. Read the artcle

The reality in Honduras

JESSE FREESTON, PRODUCER, TRNN: Since the inauguration of Pepe Lobo as the president of Honduras on January 27, the US State Department has been the new government's most vocal supporter, urging the region to follow the US lead in restoring relations with the Honduran government, relations that were largely cut after the military coup of June 2009. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton made Honduras one of her top priorities on her recent tour of Latin America. Read the article

National Guard to the border with Mexico

Texas Gov. Rick Perry's decision to send up to 1,000 National Guard troops to the southern border is the latest move in a controversy over the influx of migrant youths from Central America, many unaccompanied, streaming into the United States. Read the article  
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