We want to give you a messagethat is important for your safetyand the peace of mind of yourloved ones. We have preparedthis message in a short video andwritten form for you to see and tohave it so you could read it andsee it at any time.
Value Your Freedom
Some one has offered you a job in the United States...You will have a very good salary...You will be save and happy...You could go back home at any time...You will send good money to your family...Unfortunately, all of these areFALSE statements trying toconvince you to come to theUnited States; if this happens,your life may be in danger.
Your Freedom is Important
One of the most important conditions for any person in the entire world is his FREEDOM. Without it, you could notdo anything of the many things you like doing. The road to slavery is full with false promises and false pictures oflife much better outside your own city or town. Leaving your loved ones, friends and country may be a risk you donot want to take. Human Traffickers are clever individuals you do not want to fall into their lies and tricks as theywant to ruin your life forever.We invite you to see our message...