© International Center for the Prevention of Human Trafficking 2013
Human Trafficking the cancer of our time...
The I.C.P.H.T welcomes you to this website dedicated to the thousands of victims of
this tragic social disease around the world. Human Trafficking is an intolerable
condition sole based in the greed, the immoral, and deplorable actions of the
criminals fomenting, capturing and destroying the lives of innocent man and
women, boys and girls for a profit across the world.
Unfortunately, as you are reading these lines, hundreds of thousands of girls and
boys across the world are kept captured as slaves. They provide free labor in a
factory, in agricultural fields or as domestic servitude. Regrettably there are others
in the hundreds of thousands held as slaves for sexual abuse and prostitution.
Innocent girls and boys captured in western European nations, Asia and Latin
America, sold in the international market across the world arriving at the United
States as part of a subhuman wave of human trade take place in our cities and our
As we all go about in the daily routines of life across our cities and towns, from
sunrise to sunset, from school to the playgrounds, from the office to the mall, a
secret underworld grows, moves and breathes in parallel to our clean roads and
well groom backyards. It is the underworld of slavery and human trafficking we as a
nation should not tolerate. It is our moral obligation to fight and win, to eliminate
and remove slavery and human trafficking from our nation and our world.
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